Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Matched by Allie Condie was about a post apocalyptic, dystopian society. This society matched citizens up with a partner who was supposedly perfect for them. When I say partner, I mean husband/wife. Once they were matched up, they had no say as to who they got. There are Provinces, which are like cities, and then there are the Outer Provinces.

Cassia was one of the lucky girls. At least, that's what she thought. Cassia got matched with her best friend, Xander. Once someone got matched up with somebody else, they got a microchip, which told them all about their new match. When Cassia put her microchip into her port (Their computers) instead of a picture of Xander, a picture of another boy flashes across the screen.

That other face was another one that Cassia knew. His name was Ky. When Cassia and Xander were at the arcade, a city official came to talk to Cassia. It turns out that Ky was adopted by his aunt and uncle at an early age. He used to live in the Outer Provinces with his real mom and dad. But then his mom and dad were both killed.

  Cassia took up hiking on the little hills they had. Ky also started hiking and they got put as hiking buddies. Eventually, Cassia and Ky fell in love and Ky taught Cassia to write. The society found out about their forbidden love and tried to put a stop to it. It didn't end up working, so the society took Ky and put him back in the Outer Provinces to fight a war.

        This book was ok, but I've read better. The romance thing for me is, well, boring. Every author has been writing about forbidden love and it's getting boring. Sometimes I found myself falling asleep as I read. I give this book an C


meeko said...

I love this book, but Cassia kinda bugs me.

Castiel'sGirl said...

Kalee says she is so proud of you for reading this book. haha luv ya chicky