Sunday, January 29, 2012

Twice Upon a Marigold

Twice Upon a Marigold
In this fairytale sequel of "Once Upon a Marigold" evil, romance, and happy endings all takes place. In the the first book, evil Queen Olympia wanted to take over her kingdom so badly she was willing to murder. Unfortunately for Olympia and fortunately for everyone else Olympia falls into a fast and flowing river by her castle. Everyone thought she had died in the river.
In the second book, she then washes up in a village called Granolah and is found by the mayor. He tries to ask her her name, but she cant remember anything. She stays there for a while and then one morning regains her memory and demands to go back to her regular kingdom with her so called "friend", to claim her throne.
When King Swithbert finds out that his old wife is back he is devastated that she has survived the accident. Immediately Swithbert tells his daughter, Queen Marigold, that her mother has survived and has come back. He also decides he doesn't want to have any problems with Olympia so he has some ideas to keep her out of the way.
Marigold also is thinking of ways to help her father. Although as soon as Olympia gets back to her kingdom she already has plans for her husband. The biggest downfall for Swithbert is he gets put in the dungeon along with two others for, "plotting against the Queen." Marigold and her husband, King Christian, must find a way to dethrone Olympia, save the kingdom, and save Swithbert and his friends.

I liked this book and liked the story line. When you think of a fairytale book you think of all the other fairytale books you've read and think its just another one of those, but it's not. It has a whole different way of solving serious problems and different ideas. I loved the ending for certain reasons one cannot spoil, but I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves fairytale and romance. I give this book an A-

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