Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Picture Perfect by- Elaine Marie Alphin

What do people look for in a book? A good story line? Most people look for something engaging and fun to read. What is the best kind of engaging book? Obviously, it's mystery. Romance usually always ends the same. So it's not as engaging. Mysteries have you on your toes at all times. What if its a mystery with a twist. Now that's engaging. Picture Perfect is one of those books. It's one of those story's that just make your mouth fall.
Ian is the principals son. Now that should tell you a good amount. Hes always looked up to as a suck up. However, what he really wants to do is just lay low. But that all changes. Teddy is Ian's best friend. They have been for awhile. They both share a common hobby, photography. Often after school they go take pictures of trees. So they're always together. But one morning Ian wakes up in his closet with no idea how he got there. Or what happened last night.
He tries to remember how he got there, but it's no use. He can't remember anything. So, he gets ready for school. Then gos to pick Teddy up as usual. To his surprise, his mother answers the door in tears saying that Teddy never came home last night. And she doesn't know what happened to him. Ian figures to see Teddy at school. He thought that maybe Teddy just fell asleep at a friends house or something. But nothing, Teddy doesn't show. Since they live in a small town, this is a huge deal to have someone go missing. So, during school they have an Assembly about Teddy. His mom speaks. She says that if anyone has any information on him to tell the sheriff and that she thinks that Teddy went off to find his father. But why would Teddy go off without telling his own best friend?
All day long kids ask Ian what happened to him. They expect him to know since they're friends. But honestly, Not even Ian knows what happened last night. So Ian spent the rest of the day just as confused as everyone else. Until, he finds Teddy's camera in his locker. It's dead. How did it get there? Well, Ian doesn't know. But hes in for a surprise. The sheriff wants to interview him on Teddy. Since they're friends. But how do you answer questions you don't know? And what do you do if your friends missing and you were the last person to see him. And you don't even remember it?
Picture Perfect is a awesome book. Even though the writer was not the best, the idea of the story was unique in all ways. This books keeps you reading. It always keeps you wondering. Like did Ian kill Teddy? And why doesn't he remember anything? You never quite know what to expect. There are a lot of surprises as well. I would definitely tell anyone to read this book. It's very different then anything I have ever read. Usually the main character is the hero or the one who learns from mistakes. But in this book you have know idea what happened and if Ian is a hero or a villain. It's amazing. The only thing I found wrong with this book is that the author could have written it better. Like if it was a climax, the author didn't make it as exciting as it could have been. But overall i really liked it. It definitely is a one of a kind book.

1 comment:

Abbey Road said...

This book sounds really good! Kind of creepy though... But it sounds interesting and like my kind of book!