Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'll Find You By Clair M. Poulson

I'll Find You is written by Clair M. Poulson. Poulson has written many books that include: Vengeance, Don't Cry Wolf, Hunted, and obviously I'll Find You.

"I'll find you," are the words that 4-year old Jeri Satch said to her friend, Rusty Egan, as he was being kidnapped and taken away. The morning all started out with the sound of children's laughter floating into the second-story window as Mindy Egan was cleaning her house as she watched a green car move very slowly down the street towards her family's house. Mindy Egan felt, in the pit of her stomach, to take a step closer towards the window. Then, in a blink of an eye, Mindy Egan had seen her son, Rusty Egan, pulled into the green car and see the car vanish as it turned onto a different street. As all parents would do, Mindy Egan told her husband to call 911 as she stood in terror for she had just witnessed her son's kidnapping. From that moment on, Mindy and Patrick Egan had a prayer in their hearts that they will find Rusty and that justice will be served. But, deep down, though they would never admit it, they knew that they will never see their son, Rusty Egan ever again. Jeri Satch was a 4-year old child. She did not remember much of her memories, but she did remember this. Rusty Egan had the most gorgeous blue eyes that she had ever seen and that when she saw her best friend, Rusty, Jeri would know it was truly him.

I'll Find You by Clair M. Poulson is an interesting book that I eventually came to love by the end. This book is a unique suspense novel. It combines suspense, cleverness, with a little chick-flick all into one great book. I don't agree with all of the author's opinions. One of the author's opinions that I don't really agree with is that everything in life has a happy ending. Though many stories deserve a happy ending, all stories don't have one. I don't think that this ending was the best choice and that the author could have made the ending a little bit better. One of the main issues that this book brings up is that we can't judge people by their looks. This book, make me realized that before we truly know a person, we judge them. Though in today's society, our first thought after meeting someone new is judged on their appearance. We don't really take the time to actually look at the person inside. After reading this great book, my opinions changed about judging people and that I will take the time to get to know a person before I start to judge a person.

[Jeri:] "Do you have a few minutes? I'd like to tell you a story."

{Jeri told Pink the horrendous past of Rusty Egan.}

[Pink:] "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm indebted to you for telling me." (Pg. 174-175)

For any of you readers interested in reading this book, I just want to warn you about a few things. First, this book has some parts that deal with the LDS religion. Second, this book is extremely complicated at times, so be aware of the book and what is happening.

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