Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Most people that think of Wuthering Heights (that know of it) usually think of something along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, a pathetic book all about people that can't be together even though they love each other. This is far from the truth of this book. This book is about two wicked souls, that love each other. As many say, these people are horrible, horrible people. In this fiction book, we follow the sad story of the two, and the tragedy of their lives.

So the story starts out with a young and wealthy man, Mr. Lockwood, who rents out the Grange, which is part of Wuthering Heights. He goes and has a visit to his landlord, Heathcliff, at his house, Wuthering Heights. While he's there, he can't go home because of how snowy it is. He requests for either a room to stay at, or a guide to take him home. After much argument, Heathcliff decides that Mr. Lockwood is to stay at Wuthering Heights for the night. Mr. Lockwood gets attacked by dogs, and is escorted to a room (why he gets attacked, I have no idea). While in that room, he discovers graffiti and books about a woman, named Cathy. After very troubled sleep (he gets nightmares about Cathy's ghost trying to come in to the house, and other bloody parts that make me sick), he gets escorted back to the Grange by Heathcliff.

At home, he asks his maid, Nelly, who has worked at Wuthering heights in her past, what is up with the family. The rest of the book (250 pages) is explaining the sad tale. So what happened is that there is a dad, Mr. Earnshaw, that had two horid children, Hindley and Cathy. Heathcliff was adopted, and lived with them. Heathcliff was Mr. Earnshaw's favorite, because he wasn't a lunatic (yet) like the other two. As he gets older he gets to really like Cathy, a smart mouthed little girl, and starts to hate Hindley, a rude boy. I wish I could tell you more, but that would completely ruin the story.

This book is absolutely mind blowing. The way these people treat others is just crazy. Yes, their past was hard, but it doesn't mean they have to destroy everybody else's future! I love the deviousness of it, and how one minute, I'm sad and pitiful for the family, and the next, I want to smack them! Bronte really does an amazing job portraying two people who really are "bad seeds", and above all, love each other no matter what! I guess the saying is true. Love prevails.

This story is extremely hard to follow because of it's crazy English. It's also hard because of how many rude characters in it that make it hard to remember who is who. Overall though, this funny, romantic, and horribly tragic book made me cry, laugh, and never stop turning pages. A+ for you, Ms. Bronte!


galaxygymnast said...
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galaxygymnast said...

Wow! i would have never thought of picking up this book. it almost sounds violent, is it?

Santana said...

Kind of. There are a couple parts, but most of it is just arguing! :) Happy Reading!

KewlBeans said...

Wow, i've heard of this book but I never thought it would be a potentially good read. Your review was really helpful and changed my opinion completely. :)

Santana said...

Thank you! :)