Monday, January 30, 2012


This book is called Everfound. The last book of the Skinjacker Trilogy by Neal Shusterman. Ever since Allie got into a car crash with Nick and got stuck in limbo which they call Everlost they have been having many frightning adventures together defeating monstors, overcoming fears, finding romance and learning their special capabilities. Especially overcoming the ruler of Everlost, Mary Hightower (16 years old) who thinks that all children who enter Everlost should not continues their journey to the light. All these adventures all blend perfectley and slide into the 3rd book called Everfound. The 3rd book is where they come face to face with Mary and expect war since shes planning on getting rid of all human life and to keep Everlost the one true "Earth." This book is very intense and is definatly a book you will read undercovers late at night. I absoulutleyloved this book more than Twilight Tha'ts saying something. It was a perfect amount of everything! There wasn't any of that gushy lovey dovey stuff like Twilight, but the perfect amount. Every single chapter was filled with adventure. I mostly loved how creativly everything went into place at the very end and how every character is very unique and fits into the story. I really enjoyed this book and the plot and how everything came into place I recomend this book to anyone.

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