Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Eragon (main character) is just a poor farm boy when he stumbles upon a legendary dragon egg. This egg hatches and Eragon becomes a mythical dragon rider with his new dragon Sapphira. The dragon riders were legendary warriors who were unmatched in swordsmanship and magic. The dragons were well... dragons. Fierce beasts that could breath fire, could talk with their minds, and were bigger than houses. The dragons and their riders were immune to age and would live forever if not killed. The dragon riders and their dragons became nearly extinct a long time ago when Galbortorix, a fellow rider, betrayed everyone and killed off the riders. He now rules over the land in evil tyranny and will forever unless challenged. Eragon embarks on a quest to kill Galbortorix and free the land. In the first three books of the series Eragon goes through many adventures, and learns a lot as he trains to become a powerful rider.

In the fourth book of the Inheritance cycle, Eragon sets out to destroy Galbortorix and bring peace to the land.Eragon must fight for his and many other people's lives. He is the last hope against the empire. That isn't his only quest though. He has to go through many other quests in order to gain an advantage against the empire. Some include finding out who he really is, living up to the expectations of the rebel leaders, and trying to get his lover to love him back. Eragon has to fight with all his might to defeat Galbortorix.

This book was written by Christopher Paolini and is a fantasy book. I think that this was a interesting, entertaining, and instructive. It was very complex and had a ton of details that made it interesting and hard to put down. It is entertaining because it had very well written action scenes that were described amazingly well. These scenes made me reread them multiple times in order to pick up all the details. It also had some very assertive opinions in it that proved themselves as the story went on that made this book instructive.

One of the opinions that the author put in this book is that understanding is power. I agree with this because all across history and even today people have been blinded by lack of understanding, and it has caused them to be deceived or fooled. If someone is completely undereducated and illiterate and doesn't understand a thing, then they will with no thoughts behind those actions

Another opinion that is expressed in this book is that you shouldn't pledge your loyalty to too many people. I agree with this because when you do this, you may end up having to become disloyal to someone trying to what someone else wants you do who you are also loyal to. This could happen because while groups or people may the same view on one subject as another group or person, they could have a completely different view on another subject.

This book challenged my views on whether or not evil should always be vanquished. While most of the time it should be, sometimes it would more harm than good to people especially if the evil doesn't have such a huge effect on the people. It made me wonder whether or not all the sacrifice necessary to destroy evil is always worth it. Then as I thought and read on in the book, I realized that almost always it is worth. Even though in a short term view it may not look like it's worth it, it is almost always is worth it in the long term view. My feelings may not of changed much on this subject, but my feelings definitely changed for those who live with evil without rebelling. Most of the time they don't think that it is worth it to rebel, especially if they are undereducated like I said earlier.

"The way of the warrior is the way of knowing."(pg I 705) I thought that this was a really good way to end the series. It was and exciting and surprising story that really dragged me in. The very end bugged me a little though, but I couldn't see a much better way to end it instead. I also think that this book was a little rushed which may sound weird considering it's 800 pages long, but it still was. It may of had great details on the important parts but it less important details that break the tension. I think that the author should of turned this book into two books and made a five book series. I would of liked it better if he had done so. I still thought that it was really creative, interesting, and entertaining. It also gave great opinions about life. I gave it an A- because of all this. I would like to send a warning out to all those who don't like violent books though, because it is detailed in that area too. Don't be intimidated by the size either. It's so good that you'll be done in no time at all. I hope you liked my review and will read this book and the rest of the series!

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