Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Looking Glass Wars

The Looking Glass Wars is an exciting back story to Alice in Wonderland by Frank Beddor. It is not exactly a back story it's just another perspective on what happened. Alice is not from earth, in this story she is the princess of Boarder land. Her parents, or the king and queen are killed by Red and her card soldiers. Red is the queen's sister and is jealous of her and her position as queen. Alice has to run away with Hatter Madigan. They go through the Looking Glass, a device that takes you from Under land to Earth's surface. They both came out of different puddles and Hatter couldn't find the princess! He spent years and years looking for her but had no luck.
Meanwhile, Red was the new Queen of Boarder land. She wouldn't let anyone use bright magic. The only kind of magic you could use was dark magic. The kingdom went from being the best, nicest, and whitest kingdom in all of Under land to the worst, darkest, and dirtiest. Red had sent her human size cat with nine lives after Alice and Hatter to try and kill them before they got back to Under land. Hatter and Alice had no clue the cat was after them until they all met at a wedding.
While Hatter was looking for Alice, she was being bossed around in Europe by her rude new British family. Alice was kind of like Cinderella with her new family always being bossed around and being hated by her step-sisters. Alice had good grades and was basically good at everything she did. She was growing up really quickly and before she knew it she was getting married.
Finally, Alice was happy. She was about to get married to a wonderful guy who she loved with all her heart. Right when the couple was about to kiss, a ginormous cat broke through the side window of the church and ten card soldiers burst through the doors. The cat charged at Alice blowing aside anything and anyone that stood in its way. Just when the cat was going to kill Alice, Hatter appeared out of nowhere and stabbed the cat through the heart. It was the last of it's nine lives.
"Alice, let's get beck to Under land." Hatter insisted looking at Alice through his stern eyes.
"NO!" Alice screamed. "I'm just getting married and finally living a happy normal life! I can't go back after all the work I've done on earth to get here."
"Alice, you're the long lost queen. You have to come back and defeat Red and retake control of the kingdom." Hatter explained to her.
After a very long, well thought out debate she decided to return to Under land. "I guess it is what I'm supposed to do. I'll go."
Alice and Hatter returned to Under land to defeat Red and save the kingdom. Right as they got there, they saw card soldiers waiting for them. Hatter took them out with his eyes closed. They raced to the castle and Red was waiting for them. Hatter and Red had a very lengthy brawl but Red came out on top. Hatter was quite dead but Alice had to hurry. Red attacked fist but Alice used her magic to counter it. "Wow. You haven't used your magic in such a long time and your still strong enough to fight me." Red said. Alice was shocked as well. They kept fighting and somehow Alice came up on top killing Red. They rushed Hatter to the hospital as fast as they could. The rest of the kingdom had also gone into rebellion. Everyone was fighting card soldiers. Having Alice back seemed to give everyone a sense of power. Even Alice.
Finally, the kingdom was back to normal and Alice was in her rightful spot as queen. Borderland was finally back to normal. Everyone was back to doing what they do best. And Alice was finally back home. Where she belonged.
Alice grew a lot in this book. She became braver, smarter, and more mature. She stepped up to the huge roll put on her shoulders. She learned how to make tough decisions and to choose her priorities wisely.
This book is a must read book. It may sound boring but this book is easily comparable to the Harry Potter books. It is very exciting no matter what books you usually like reading. Everyone should try this book. It won't be a waste of your time at all.


Flynn Rider said...

splendid book review. It was so good You'd think I wrote it myself. Way to go. Stay top notch and always remember never to put your elbows on the table.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

umm...whats with the made up quotes? and that wasn't the last of his nine lives. also it was the pool of tears they jumped through not a looking glass.