Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Flipped! (Literally)

Yes, the chicken is supposed to be upside down... I think. Anyway, as you can already tell, the book Flipped Wendelin Van Draanen was wacky. But it was wacky in a good way. The main thing in this book that really stood out to me was that it switches between two different views. You may be thinking that you have read books like that, but not like Flipped. The two views are polar opposites. Juli, is crazy in love with Bryce, who thinks Juli is a total nut job. Sounds interesting eh?

The story begins with Bryce moving into his new house, across from Juli. Well, Juli ends up there within an hour, and she totally fell for him. He however, thinks she is cray. The book has so many ups and downs. Juli ends up getting obsessed with a tree, raising chickens, and finding out her uncle has a severe mental illness. Bryce ends up discovering his grandpa is cool, he doesn't want salmonella, and is worth $122.50. Oh yeah, Juli also ends up hating Bryce and he ends up loving her.

This book was really interesting. I was reading reviews, and I thought the end was cheesy, and a little lame. But all of the reviews said it was great! Go figure! I really could tell that it had a lot of life lessons. An example of that is disability awareness. In the story, Juli has a retarded uncle. She visits him, and she accepts him, even though he is different. Another thing is that you need to look at the big picture, as the book said, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." Another thing is that you can make up for your mistakes. Bryce screws up a lot in this book, but he makes up for them. There are so many other morals, but you will have to find those out for yourselves. I definitely enjoyed reading this book. It was a fun read, and I suggest it to anyone who is in for some good old contradiction. (P.S., It may be a romance, but it was really fun to read guys!) B+!

1 comment:

Diet Coke said...

Great book review!! I do love how it changes the point of view.. I think it makes the story more interesting!! ;)