Saturday, March 31, 2012

Twice Upon a Marigold

For those who have read "Once Upon a Marigold" will love this book, for several reasons too. First of all there are a lot of questions that are asked and that will be answered when you continue reading this book. For example, I thought she was dead? And, are they going to be together forever?
The kingdom seems to be a lovely place and everyone is getting along beautifully, so it seems. Until ... something happens that no one was expecting, not even the king himself, and when that person or thing comes, it is a shock to everyone.
Ever since that one person or thing came there has been chaos all over the kingdom, including chaos between Marigold and Christian. I bet you never thought that would ever happen.
Not only that, but it has King Swithbert, Ed, and Magnus thrown in the dungeon and put on trail.
You must be wondering how in the world this person or thing could cause so much trouble, I mean it has to be pretty big doesn't it, and well it is very huge, and I bet you weren't even expecting it?
Before I read this book, I wasn't expecting it either, in fact it never crossed my mind until a hint gave it away.
If you must know, the story ends happy and that one thing won't be bothering them.
But if you want to read this book it is best for you to read "Once Upon a Marigold" first. Happy Reading, and don't forget to put this book on your to read list.

1 comment:

stranger said...

i have read this book and i totally agree that it is a great read :)