After reading the Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials, I only expected great things from the last book in the series, The Death Cure. The Death Cure was one of those books that you wished would go on forever! It was so suspenseful and it really hooked me. I was excited to find out some answers to my questions, and although I did get some answers, they were very unexpected.
This book followed Thomas through yet another journey, but this one was very different than the previous. Instead of the usually bangs and explosions, this book has a certain mysterious quality to it that makes you think a lot. The whole time you are wondering, along with Thomas, who can be trusted. At times this book gets very violent and kind of creepy, but somehow there is always a glimmer of hope. There is always a feeling that everything is going to end up alright, which in the end I guess it does.
Although Wicked says the time for lies is over, Thomas knows that he still can't trust them. They say they collected all the possible information from the trials and that they would now actually need the gladers help and consent to finish a cure. Thomas and his buddies didn't like the idea and knew that somewhere along the way they would get used and deceived like every time before. They decided the best option was to bust out of the place and make it on their own in the real world. After discovering that Brenda and Jorge actually worked for Wicked, the gladers teamed up with them and escaped from Wicked's headquarters.
Luckily, Jorge was actually a pilot and could fly the Bergs (or airplanes). They decide their safest bet would be to go to Denver. Denver was a city reserved for only the immune, and it was meant to keep all the cranks with the flare far away from the healthy. After arriving in Denver, Thomas finds none other than Gally. Yes, the same Gally from back in the Glade who went crazy and was never heard from again. At first Thomas and the others were reluctant to trust him, but they end up forming a very important alliance.
Gally is apart of a group aimed at overthrowing Wicked. The gladers end up joining forces with them and they actually make quite a good team. The only thing left for them to do is invade Wicked and stop them from starting the trials all over again. I won't spoil the surprise, and I'll let you read the book to find out if they actually do. For once I was actually happy with the ending of the book! Although not every single one of my questions were answered, I got the main idea and the book still left me thinking.
The Death Cure was filled with even more love and heartbreak than the previous books in the series. This time not only does Thomas get separated from Teresa once again, but also loses one of his real best friends. In this book the heartbreak wasn't lovey dovey like in the last but it was actual hurt over his friend's death.
One of the reasons I really liked The Death Cure was because of how Thomas "grows" as the book goes on. He not only continuously gets physically stronger but also mentally. Every challenge and trial he faces makes you as a reader like him more. Thomas starts out as a very unlikely hero who goes on to possibly save the whole entire human race!
One more reason this book really interests me is the statement I think the author was trying to say about our society. In the Maze Runner series, the whole plot is based off this crazy disease spreading all over the world. It is scary but true to think this could happen to our world someday! Also, everyone is so worried about themselves that no one cares about each other anymore. It's obvious the author got some of his inspiration to write this book just by observing our society.
If you want an great action packed, suspenseful book, I definitely rec commend The Death Cure by James Dashner.
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