Monday, March 19, 2012

Cinderella Man

This is a great book. Not only is it a great story, but it actually happened, it wasn't just some fantasy story some guy made up. All the impossible events actually happened. I love this book, everyone should read it.
This book mainly follows the life of James J. Braddock, since is birth in June 7th 1905, weighing 17 lbs! He boxed his most of his life and started his professional debut int 1926. He was rich, popular, and an amazing boxer. Then the Great Depression hit. He lost a lot of money, but still kept his job as a boxer. He made much less than he did before the Great Depression. In October of 1931, he fought Maxie Rosenbloom. Midway through the fight, he broke his hand, but still went on to finish. The fight was a no contest. His manager was mad and pulled his license. He lost his job and became extremely desperate for money, begging on the streets at times.

James Braddock got the opportunity to fight Corn Griffin. It was just a one time deal, he wouldn't get his license back. Corn Griffin was in third place for the heavyweight champion of the world. His opponent got sick before the game, and no one would fight such a great fighter like Corn Griffin without preparation, except James Braddock. It wasn't even a question who would win, the odds were 5:1 in favor of Corn Griffin. Braddock hadn't boxed in years and Corn was going to destroy him. Huge upset, Braddock mauled him and Corn Griffin was KOed in the 3rd round. Braddock got his licence back, and, out of no where, when on to fight Max Baer for the World Heavyweight Championship.

This is one of the greatest comebacks in sports history. This inspiring story truly shows that nothing is impossible. James Braddock overcame all odds during the Great Depression, to become a boxer again, and put food on his family's table. Braddock was fighting for money to survive, while Corn Griffin was fighting for pride. That is how one of the greatest upsets ever took place. James Braddock had 2 days to prepare for the fight, and he won, which is a god given miracle. This also shows that if you want something bad enough, more so than your competition, then your going to get it. I love how inspiring this story, and would recommend it to anyone because it shows that impossible is nothing.


Anonymous said...

Wow I should read that. Sounds really cool and inspirational.

msladybug98 said...

This is also a movie. I've seen it, but now I also want to read the book! I enjoyed watching the movie, and with your review I think I will like the book as well!

Praying4NoWar said...

I absolutely love this story, both in book and movie form. Great job on the review.