Wednesday, March 28, 2012


"Sometimes I think high school is one long hazing activity: if you are tough enough to survive this, they'll let you become an adult. I hope it's worth it." In Laurie Halse Anderson's book, Speak, Melinda is just going into ninth grade. Yes! Not really. Melinda has entered high school with everyone hating her. Over the summer she did something that got a whole lot of people in trouble. Except, no one knows that it was only for Melinda taking action in protecting herself. Speak is about all the ups and downs of high school, and how Melinda goes through them, overcoming her fears of the world and all the people in it.
Once I began reading Speak, I realized that this is not the type of book that will explain everything to you in the first few pages. In other words, it doesn't start out with an exposition. It just jumps right in as if you are actually there and have heard all the gossip and rumors. This was definitely how the author caught my attention, and I'm sure it will be how you get hooked too. The truth seems too big to miss out on knowing, and let me tell you, it is too big to miss!
If you plan on reading Speak, just know that the truth "that is too big to miss" is very serious as well. Melinda doesn't have the best home life, and with what she has gone through and is going through matters become worse. Because of her weak home life and her scarce amount of friends, Melinda has no one to turn to. She starts to get brainwashed into thinking that what she did was wrong, but it really wasn't. It was all she could do to protect herself. I understand why this book is called Speak now. Just speak.
Speak is a very entertaining, yet serious and true to life book. Even though Melinda is a very sarcastic and funny character, what she has experienced doesn't just happen to her, it happens to many others as well. I thought Melinda was super funny and her thoughts are right on the spot when it comes to reality. However, when you look past all her jokes, Melinda has a very hard life. I'm glad that this author wrote this book. Anderson has the truth written, and all of the lies revealed. Because when it comes to lots of people we all try to hide the stupid truth, but we all know that facing your fears and speaking can resolve all the problems.
Speak has been added to my "favorite books list"! I felt that Melinda's thoughts are every teenager's thoughts. You can't agree more when it comes to Melinda. Even though this book breaks my heart, I loved reading it. I give Speak an A.

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