Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wings by Aprilynne Pike

Laurel Sewell is going to public school for the first time in her life. In one of her classes she meets a friendly boy named David. Laurel confides everything to this boy, even when a mysterious bump that is growing on her back turns into a flower. David and Laurel race to try and figure out what this flower is . One day while at her family's land in Orick, California; Laurel discovers a very strange, enticing, and handsome man in the woods behind her cabin. His name is Tamani. He tells her that the thing growing out of her back is a blossom, and that she is a faerie. He, too, is a faerie.

Throughout the rest of the novel, Laurel confides more in David and discovers romantic feelings for him. She also likes Tamani, and he likes her a lot. Laurel's father gets sick, and while sneaking around a supposed home buyer's office, she discovers who made him sick. David and Laurel almost die together after being thrown into a river by something that Tamani tells her are trolls. Laurel runs to Tamani for help and they go off to kill the trolls. Tamani almost dies when he is shot in both thighs, but is rescued by his fellow faeries. The faeries give Laurel something to save her dad, and she does. At the end of the novel, we find that Tamani is all right.

This book is overall a pretty good book. However, if you're not crazy about love triangles then this book is not for you. I love the twist of fantasy in the book that in the beginning you think is about real life. Laurel teaches us that there can be something spectacular inside of us even if we seem ordinary. The story, however, takes a little while to get going. Overall, this is a good book. I would give it an A-.

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