Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Specials By: Scott Westerfeild

Specials is the third of the four books in the Uglies series.Overall I did enjoy this book. It did keep me very interested. There were many twists and turns that I was not expecting. Also it was a good way to end this part of the series.
The only thing that I didn't enjoy about this book is that it restated the entire two books that were previous to it. Its was kind of an overkill. It made me feel as though the author thought I did not have the slightest hint of a memory. Also when he would try to recap the previous books it was so obvious it was almost painful to read.
The story still takes place in the future in a society that is very much a dystopia. While you look from the outside every one is the same, a drop dead gorgeous person that lives in a perfect world. When you take a closer look the entire world/ the city you follow, is falling apart.
You definitely need to read the other two books before you read this one. If you have read the other two books this one starts the same way. You start kind of in the middle of the story, and have to fill in the blanks as you go along.
In this book Tally Youngblood (the main character) has joined special circumstances as a Special ( her enemies, the people she has been fighting in book one and two). But not of her own choice, but because of the Lady who has been leading her city has made her a special. Also once she has been made into a Special, the surgery that they did change her mind. They literally went in and changed her brain to think differently. This lady who runs the city is named Dr. Cable. Dr. Cable has sent Tally to go Capture people who have been running away from the city.
As Tally follows a group of run aways to their secret hide out in the wild, she rediscovers herself and changes who she is on the inside. She "rewires'' her brain. Tally saves many people as she rediscovers who she really is.
There are two main themes that I got from this book. The First one being that not to be fooled by a dystopia in real life. And the second one being that no matter what you can make yourself into who ever you want to be. No matter what other people do to you, you can still let your inner person shine through.
In conclusion I really enjoyed this book. It kept me in suspense. if you have not read the Uglies series yet, for sure go and read it. And if you have read the other two books and not this one, read this one!

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