Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Death Cure by James Dashner

You only need one word to describe this book, WOW! This book is the end of the trilogy, The Maze Runner. So many questions were answered while reading the exciting book of The Death Cure. This book consisted of adventure, mystery, romance, and more.

It all starts in the beginning of the trilogy when Thomas was put into an empty box with no memory. Although Thomas went through many adventures in The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials, I feel that the end of his journey is the most important. While recovering from The Scorch, Thomas reunites with his friends. They talk about how they are done with WICKED and will never do anything for them again, but they are not aware that WICKED still has control over them. Many of the Gladers are disgusted with WICKED and want to escape. And that is exactly what they do. Once Thomas and his friends are out of WICKED's building, they have to fight to survive. Lives are lost people are injured, and friends die from the Flare. All this time Thomas is trying to find a way to save those lives and get to somewhere safe before the Flare takes over the world and destroys the human race.

As I said before I can describe this book in one word, WOW! It amazes me how Dashner writes this book. Its filled with all sorts of genres and is entertaining for all. This book is probably the most memorable out of the whole trilogy because it is the ending. It answers all the questions that I had in the first book and it was entirely fun for me to read.

The author put many themes into this book that made me think. I believe that the author is comparing WICKED with our government. Do I agree with it? Well, it depends on how you look at it. Dashner is trying to make us readers see that WICKED can not control us, just like the government can't and shouldn't control the people of this nation. There are many ideas and arguments that can come out of this concept. It just depends on who you are and what you believe.

There are some things in this book that I did not like. First of all, if you are one of those people that do not like swearing, then you will agree with me. I do not like cussing in books and although The Death Cure doesn't swear that often, I am still against it. The next issue involves romance. Mrs. Jensen once said that she feels that sometimes romance was forced into books because the publisher said there needed to be romance. I completely agree with that in this book. The Death Cure could have been much better if the author would have just left the romance out.

This book left cliff hangers and although it would be late at night, the book kept pushing me to read on. I suggest reading The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, and THEN the Death Cure. If my summary did not make very much sense, it is because there are many things that you need to find out in the first two books before you read The Death Cure. Overall, I loved this book and thought the author did a good job in the whole trilogy. I give this book an A.


airjordan said...

The maze runner trilogy is awesome, it is first series that i actually read all the way through

pianoninja said...

I love this series. I got the Death Cure signed by James Dasher.

T WILL 11 said...

Nice Review, brought up some good points I had never thought of. Best of the Trilogy I'd say.

jordan miles said...

Your review makes the series sound awesome. I might want to read it but is the forced romance like an overwelming amount?