Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I am Number 4 By Pittacus Lore

I am Number 4 was an amazing book. It had plenty of action, suspense, a little romance and people with cool super powers. To me, that's pretty much the definition of a good book. Four, that's the main characters name, is really an alien from a planet millions of miles away and is starting to develop his powers called legacies. His planet, Lorian, was destroyed so he and eight others were sent to earth hoping that the lorics could survive. But that's not the half of it.

When the lorics came to earth, they were each given a number. Out of the nine lorics that came to earth Four is well, the fourth. The people who wiped out Lorian, the Mogadorians, have come to earth trying to destroy the nine lorics who remain but it isn't easy. The nine kids have to be killed in the order of their number so One would have to be killed first, then Two and so forth. Three have died and now it's Four's turn.

Four has been on the move his whole life, moving every six months. He's had over fifteen different identities and names. Currently he is John Smith in Paradise, Ohio a small town with not many people. For once he is making friends and even gets a girlfriend! In Paradise is when his powers start developing so he can fight the Mogadorians. They are tracking him now so he always has to watch what he's doing in order to not give himself away. But they have to find him eventually.

Saying any more would spoil the book so I'll skip to the good stuff. I thought this book had a really good story line and it flowed well. You never got very bored. There was a good amount of action and fighting. The book does swear quite often though and uses some other bad words. It also has a lot of kissing and him with his girlfriend so that's a little gross and can get pretty boring at times.

A theme in this book is probably doing what needs to be done even when it's hard. He didn't get asked to be one of the nine remaining loric but he still does what he has to. He has a hard life and doesn't like it but he understands the importance of it. That's one of the things that I like about Four. All in all I though this book was great! I would give it an A.

1 comment:

Flynn Rider said...

Wow, this book review was simply amazing. I already want to read it.Just the way this review was written makes me want to change the world. I'm such a good author aren't I?