Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow

The first thing you should know about this book is that it is amazing. It is an autobiography, in which Tim Tebow, professional quarterback for the Denver Broncos tells his story. You find out that he actually has an amazing background. You usually look at people like his and assume that they are just rich and spoiled. Considering his circumstances, Tebow is very different. It really surprises you, some of the things he tells about himself. But it definately kept me intrigued.

Now, like any other autobiography or biography, it didn't necessarily keep me flipping pages in suspense, but I kept reading it because it was very inspirational, and only motivated me even more to commit to things I have a passion for, because that's exactly what he did. Surprisingly, I found out that up until high school, Tebow played baseball. And not only played it, he had a gift for it, and likely could've found himself earning a career in the sport. However, as I mentioned before, he had a passion for football, so he went the direction he wanted to, and look where it got him today.

Another thing that I personally found interesting was that he is a hard core Christian. He grew up in the shadow of his father who was a pastor and a very good man in Christ. His family went on mission trips to the Philippines, where they helped kids who were struggling, and Tim, along with his two brothers would speak to them, and help them better understand and grow closer to the Lord. Thus, throughout the book he gives full credit of his success and his blessings to the Lord, which is one of the reasons I admire him as a person. From reading this book, you can really tell that he is such a good guy, and is one who is able to handle the fame without making bad choices.

Lastly, throughout the book, you learn several important life lessons that he, and many others have been through. It shows a lot of insight, which is good because we all get insight from people we know. However it is good to get it from someone in a different position as well, and it teaches you a lot about staying committed, and believing in yourself and giving the credit to Christ. That was the best piece of information I got out of this book. But there us much for us all to learn from Tebow as a person and a player.

All in all, I give this book an A for its purpose and theme. Tebow also showed that NFL players aren't always retarded, and he can write a successful book. He definitely succeeded. Ultimately, this book is mainly inspirational, but also a little bit informational, and I would recommend it to anyone with a passion because it gives you a lot of inspiration. I know it inspired me to do my best. And even if its not a sport, there's still so much to learn from reading this book.

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