Friday, March 8, 2013


        Welcome to the adventures of the book called Yearbook! It was written by: Allyson Braithwaite Condie. She is a very good author. THIS BOOK IS A RELIGIOUS BOOK! It reverts back a lot to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints religion. If you don't like that then I would suggest not reading this book! This book's main purpose is to say that no matter what, you have Christ in your life, and that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
       Let's get started! This book is told from many points of view. It is about 7 kids in high school and then a couple of the teachers and the principle. Each chapter changes to a different person. Each person has their own trials and different things that they are going through. Their names are Michaela, Ethan, Andrea, Julie, Tyler, Avery, and Dave. This book can bring you to realize so many things if you let it! It's hard to summerize this book when being told from so many points of view, so we will see how it turns out!
      This is one of those books that uses real-life experiences that happen in high school probably all the time. It teaches you how to cope with hardships, while telling you a story at the same time. I am going to give a quick rundown of each character. Michaela is a girl who is having a great time in high school and she ends up helping her friend and converting her into the church and she likes Ethan. Ethan is on the cross country team and he also likes Micheala. Andrea is Ethan's older sister. And she is also on the cross-country team and the fastest one on it. She decided to fall away from the church, and you'll have to read to find out why. Julie had a rough life! She was always wishing that she was never born becuase her brothers were criminals! Turns out, her brother's killed one of her teachers Mother but, she herself is a wonderful person. Tyler has to move to a different state and finds himself trying to figure out where he belongs. Avery isn't the kid that you wished was your friend. You would normally stay away from her. She smokes and doesn't really care about anything, just goes with the flow. Dave. Dave is in love with Andrea and he is on the cross-country team and spends some time tutoring other kids. It sounds confusing but you just kind of have to connect the dots...
      This was a book that I think was memorable and one that I won't ever forget. It was very interesting to watch and go on the adventures and trials that these students/kids went through. It was fun to see how they would change as a person and come to realize what is truly important. This book taught me that no matter what life throw's at you, you can handle it. If you have Christ with you and always turn to him in every doubt and time of need. He will always be there for you no matter what.
     Again, this is a book that refers a lot to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. So if you don't want to read a book like that then I wouldn't read this one. This book was by far one of the best that I have ever read and I would give it an A+.


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