Friday, March 8, 2013

The Kill Order


       Life in the mountains for Mark was just starting to become bearable, when a berg flew into his little village, and started raining darts down at anyone they could. One of Marks good friends who had helped him through the sun flares, and many other exciting adventures got shot and went down right away. The people in the village realized that the people who got hit by the darts, caught a terrible virus that jumped from person to person making them go crazy and eventually die. Mark, Trina, Alec, and Lana all went out to follow the berg, and on their way they found another village that had the same thing happen. At that village they found a little girl who got hit by a dart, but wasn't sick.

      From there, they took the little girl and went to find why this happened, and if there was a cure for the horrible virus that they started calling, The Flare. Together they went on many action packed adventures, and actually found the people who started the whole thing. Mark and Trina, end up giving the little girl to these people, so that these people can make up for what they did, and test this girl to find the cure to The Flare.

        I really enjoyed how quickley i got hooked to this book, and I also liked how much action is in this book. It was well written and would be enjoyable to most teenagers. A few things I didn't like about this book is the swearing and detailed deaths that wasn't necessary. It doesn't swear a whole lot, but it still is annoying, because the swear words almost seem forced. The deaths were very vivid, and didn't need to be described as much as they were.

         Over all I gave this book a B+ because it was very interesting, and at the end of every chapter the author left a little cliff hangar to make one want to keep reading. It is a must for those who like the Mazer Runner series. I personally thought that Maze Runner was a little bit better than The Kill Order, but once you read The Kill Order, Maze Runner will mak a lot more sence. I would recomend this to those who like Hunger Games, or other books like that, but if you don't like gore, then you probably shouldn't read this book.


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