Wednesday, March 20, 2013





     The Uglies written by Scott Westerfield is an absolutely amazing book. This young adult and science fiction story is about a young girl named, Tally Youngblood. Tally is about to turn sixteen, and she is so excited, because she is going to turn pretty.  In Tally's world, you get to be two different kinds of, well, human. First, you are ugly. Then, when you turn 16 years old, you get an operation that turns you into nothing but, pretty. Along with that operation comes many benefits. Such as, many, many friends, late nights, huge parties, and all the glits and glamour you could ever possibly dream of. And, you get to move into the city. Before the operation, you have to live outside of Pretty town in a place that they call, Uglyville. But, then the world in practicley yours. It's a perfect life. What more could you want? Her best-friend has already done it, and so has everyone else she knows. She just wants her sixteenth birthday to come fast. But some uglies don't want to turn pretty. So, they run away to the the ruins. Also know as, The Rusties
       As Tally goes back and forth from the city and Uglyville, she stumbles upon Shay. Shay is an ugly, and she's determined to stay that way. But why? You see, Shay doesn't want to be pretty at all. She want to remain the same. When Tally's sixteenth birthday finally comes, Shay has convinced her why she should stay ugly. But tally still wants to see for herself. So, tally goes on an adventure, hoping that she will find a place called, The Smoke. This place is for those who do not ever want to turn pretty... ever. They have run away from Uglyville and made their own little community far, far away from everyone, so that no one will find them. As Tally finds The Smoke she makes a great discovery, and could possibly change the whole course of life for everyone. Even those in the city.
      The Uglies is such an incredible. I could hardly put it down! It is so descriptive and full of imagination that the pictures in your head are almost real. The book is so very interesting, and entertaining. It keeps you locked in its words forever. If you liked the books The Hunger Games, or Matched, you will definitely enjoy this one. I think that the moral to this story that Scott Westerfield is trying to show, is that don't ever change who you are. You don't need people, or in Tally's case, an operation to tell you otherwise.
      Starting this book was not a challenge for me. If it is for you, don't give up just yet. I promise, that if you keep reading it will be almost impossible for you to put down. The Uglies was such a great book. I recommend it to everyone. This book gets an A.


Legendary007 said...

I love the Uglies! One of my favorite books ever, however in the series, this was the only book I enjoyed. I thought Uglies was great, Pretties was ok, Specials was horrible, and I couldn't even read Extras.

Unknown said...

I've heard a lot of good stuff about this book and will have to read it soon. I loved how descriptive you were, but that it wasn't confusing. Great job on your review! How many books are in the series?