Friday, March 8, 2013

Smiles to Go by Jerry Spinelli

     Smiles to Go by Jerry Spinelli is a realistic fiction book. This story tells the reader to treasure time and moments with others. The main character, Will Tuppence, is a science geek that questions the world around him once there is a scientific breakthrough that a proton has actually died. He realizes from this that one day, everything is going to disappear.
      9th grader Will Tuppence and his best friend, Mi-Su, love to attend star parties (events where people meet to stargaze). When he is forced to take his annoying little sister, Tabby, to one of these parties, he finds his other best friend, BT, and Mi-Su kissing! Through his feelings of anger, he begins to realize that he likes Mi-Su. While spending so much time thinking about her, he doesn't realize how important his family is.
      Smiles to Go was a very sweet and memorable book because of how Will changed throughout the book. Also, the lesson I learned will stick with me. Smiles to Go affected me a lot because it taught me to savor moments with others, because you never know when everything can be ripped out of your hands. I always knew that time was important, but now I understand what could happen if I don't use my time wisely.
      I really liked the point that this book was putting across, but the writing style was confusing, and the beginning didn't make very much sense. Also, if you like books filled with suspense and drama, I do not recommend this book. Although, I think that the lesson in this book is one that everyone should learn. Overall, it is a great read.


Coley said...

Wow! Sounds like a really good book! Thanks for saying all the stuff that people would want in a book that wasn't in this one. I think it will help a lot of people decide whether or not they want to read it! Good review!!

Nain Christopherson said...

I loved this book! Will's progression throughout the story was very well portrayed, and he is SO easy to relate to, if not just because he is a teenager with crush probs. ;) I thought it was awesome that this book had a focus on the importance of family relationships as well as what it is like to be a teen, and I think Spinelli did a great job at tying the two feelings together.

Soccer Chick said...

Your review is great, but I have a few questions on the book. You said if you want books filled with suspense and drama, don't read this book. Although I get what you're saying, I'm a little confused. Don't all books have drama? I like the lesson it teaches, I just feel like without drama the whole book would be boring. Is that the case?

Thanks lovely!