Friday, March 8, 2013

The Fellowship of the Ring

 By no surprise whatsoever, when one is talking about the greatest trilogies of all time, The Fellowship of the Ring definitely takes the cake. This full-fledged action journey will have you cramped in your seat, and puking out of your eyeballs. It starts off basically right where The Hobbit ended. Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit in Hobbition, and the fire work enthusiast, Gandalf. (who also happens to be a kick butt wizard.) are well-known for their brave journeys outside of town alongside a company of dwarfs. Bilbo is the pride and joy of the town. In fact, with the ring that he found on his previous journeys, he can turn invisible at will. He demonstrates his ring at his 111th birthday simply by saying, "I'm leaving" and vanishing into thin air. Now invisible, he walks back to the Bag End (his house) to prepare for his journey ahead.
 However, this journeys protagonist is still not Bilbo Baggins, oh no, the plot is even deeper than that! Bwahahahahha! No but seriously, the story is moved by Bilbo's beloved cousin, cheery little, Frodo Baggins. After taking a tremendous amount of time trying to get Bilbo to take off the ring and put it in an envelope to give to Frodo, Gandalf finally convinces Bilbo to let the ring go, and for him to be headed on his way. 

       Gandalf informs little Frodo of all of this information, you know, about how the ring in his hand was hand crafted by a group of ancient elven smiths. Also, that it is the main power ring, once held by the conqueror, Sauron, but it was removed from his finger during his war with the elves and mankind. The ring was tossed into a river, later driving a friend to kill his best friend just to retrieve it (yeah, its that tempting). He then moves to the caves with his shiny new ring, which turns him into a grumbling, snarling grotesque, psychologically unstable creature, named Gollum. This is the same Gollum that Bilbo ran into in the last book, The Hobbit, were he tricked Gollum, and took his new ring. Gandalf tells Frodo that he must get the ring out of the Shire and to the Cracks of Doom, in Orodruin.  The fiery mountain deep inside Mordor itself is were the ring can be destroyed once and for all.

 As Gandalf is talking to Frodo about how he must have a companion for the journey, they catch Sam Gamgee, a young curious hobbit, eavesdropping on the conversation, intrigued by the thought of going on adventures and fighting evil creatures. Obviously, he was the perfect fit for the job of a companion. So, Sam and Frodo packed up their stuff and set off to do the simple task of saving the world.

       J.R.R Tolkien has further proven himself worthy, with this fantasy epic that is filled with wonderfully creative creatures, and super deep storyline of the great endeavours of young Frodo and Sam. If you like fantasies, then you should definitely read this book. If you are reading anything else, put that pointless crap down and start reading the genius of literature that is the great work of none other than J.R.R Tolkien. (By the way that was just to prove a point of how amazingly fantastic his work is. so please don't leave angry comments about what books you think are better than this one, because I quite frankly do not care).

If you decide to read this book, you better get yourself a big water bottle and some eye drops, because it will have your mouth watering for more of each chapter, and you will be so wrapped up in the awesomeness that is Lord of the Rings, that you might forget to blink. Yeah, it is that awesome. This is would suggest this book to anyone that can read, or rather follow the storyline. This is a great book and I very strongly encourage that you start reading some of Tolkien's work as soon as possible.

1 comment:

Hedwig said...

I've never read the book, but I've seen all the movies so many times. You made the book sound incredible! The thing is, I didn't like the Hobbit book, so I don't know if I could stand the Lord of the Rings.