Sunday, October 30, 2011


Sundancer a book by Shelley Peterson about a horse and a girl. It is one of the most interesting books I have ever read. I love it because it is almost as if you are there watching everything happen. There are sad times, happy times and times where you just want to get mad at a character in the book. I also love this book because it goes into so much detail and it is almost like you are there watching everything happen.

Sundancer starts off with a girl named Bee living with her aunt in a small and not very attractive house. When Bee was a little girl she decided to stop talking, her mother thought there was something wrong with her so she sent her away to live with her aunt. Although she decides not to talk Bee has an amazing gift, she can talk to animals. Nobody knows that she can talk to animals and they don't know why she stopped talking to them. I think she stopped talking to her everyone around her because her mother treated her poorly. In their backyard they have a stable and in those stables are horses. Bees aunt is a great trainer for horses and has a little group that do shows with her and Bee, the group contains children around Bees age.

One day Bee finds out that there will be another horse coming to stay with them until her aunt trains the horse. When the horse arrives Bee names it Sundancer because of the horses color and the way he prances. The stable that Sundancer came form wasn't exactly what you call a good home for horses, they would beat the horses when they were training for  competitions. It takes a while for Bees aunt to train Sundancer, especially with all of their own family drama and drama that is going on with Sundancers former stable. The stable wants him back but Bee has found out that they treat the horses over there poorly. With all the information that she got from Sundancer, Bee tries everything in her power to stop what they are doing to the horses and to keep Sundancer.

In the end Sundancer ends up staying with Bees aunt and Bee ends up living with her Mom and Sister. The book has a happy ending and if you read this you will sure want to read it over and over again as I have done. If you decide to read the book I hope you enjoy reading it.

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