Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Peeps by Scott Westerfeld

What is the thing that many authors like to write about these days? Vampires, writing about vampires is very common. The bad thing about this is that most of the vampire books are all alike. It really begins to irritate me. I'm sure others feel the same way. So, when I picked up Peeps I figured it would be just like all of the other vampire books. However, I was wrong. Peeps was very different then any other vampire book I've ever read.
Peeps is a story following a character named Cal. Cal happens to be an unlucky carrier of a disease. However, this disease is not like any other disease in the universe. This disease happens when a parasite gets into your body. This parasite causes you to act like a vampire. You start eating people, hiding from light, and hating everything you used to love. People who know about this disease call people who have it peeps, not vampires. Oddly, like I mentioned before Cal is only a carrier. Meaning he can give others the disease, but he doesn't have the symptoms. Well, he does have some symptoms. Like, he has the ability to see, and hear far greater then any regular human. He also has super strength. So, as you can tell this disease can be a problem.

Cal does have an interesting job though. He works for a secret program that try to control the disease. Cal gets the pleasure of going after all of his past girlfriends who caught the disease from him. And I'm pretty sure going after your vampire ex girlfriends is no fun. But it's his job to go after them so they stop going around eating everyone. He has caught every past infected girlfriend. So, now his job is to catch the person who gave him the disease. Morgan, but it's almost as if she has fallen of of the face of the planet. So, basically it follows him trying to catch a vampire killer. Along the way, he falls in love with a human named Lace. But nothing is what Cal thinks it is. The disease is spreading everywhere. And it's up to him to save the world.

This book is really awesome! I enjoyed it a lot. It was nearly impossible for me to put it down. I would suggest anyone read it! Well, most people. There was a lot of inappropriate stuff in it. Mostly language, but also other stuff that others would feel very offended reading. So, I advise you to read with caution. I didn't really like some of the stuff in it. But, I was able to overlook it and enjoy it anyway. There is one thing that really bugged me about the book though. It ended right at a climax. And when I picked up the sequel, there was totally different characters. So that kind of ticked me off. Other than that, I adored it!

1 comment:

Tree Tree Tree Bush/ Ellipses Master said...

Super strength does not sound like much of a "problem" to me. But the book sounds good, and I love the author.