Friday, April 13, 2012

By Stephenie Myers

First off I'd just like to say that I have zero idea how this book became a best seller. That fact goes in one ear, past my logically wired brain, and out the other. This book is told from the perspective of Bella, a teen who just moved backed to Forks, Washington to live with her dad. She's very...melodramatic. That pretty much sums up her character. Well, Bella starts school and she sees this family of teenage "brothers and sisters"(most are adopted). She looks straight through the other siblings and focuses her attention on one. Edward.

Edward's character bugged me. There is only one part of him that I like. I mean he's just so full of himself! He always, always is showing off, even when he doesn't mean to be. The only thing I like about his character is the fact that he shows self control. Most of the teenage population has either read the books or seen the movies so I hope you all agree on when I say that when I read the book, I had no clue what he was supposed to look like based on the Author's description of him! I swear she just said that he looked like more of a "pretty boy"! I was forced to go by the movies portrayal of him. That bugged me.

Bella...oh Bella. She portrays every love sick teen girl out there. She makes it seem like every time he gestures to her he's really telling her he loves her. Yuck. Her character angers me. She has zero confidence in herself. She doesn't think she's good enough for him, she doesn't think she could ever be...important arghh!!!!! All around she's completely dependent upon his love for her and his strength. She is an insult to healthy relationships everywhere.

In conclusion, I think it's safe to say that Myers is a terrible author and the world would be better off without the Twilight Saga.


Elyssa said...

Agreed, but just a question, why did you decided to read this then?

Santana said...

Ouch... This is harsh. I thought that Jacob was cool :D

DJHannahJedi said...

I agree with that 40192581702968190255553%.

Castiel'sGirl said...

I have a love-hate relationship with this book. I'm a huge hopeless romantic so I loved the romance side but I agree that it did have some really pointless drama and was a wee bit over the top.

Anonymous said...

To: I love disney, I read it because i made a deal wiht my friend that I could not make fun of the books that i haven't read. So i read them.

may said...

I have to make a comment on a post so I was looking through the books with really bad grades and I came across this one. And it made me laugh so hard! I read the whole Twilight series last year (on my friends request) and although I agree with basically all of your review, I thought it was actually a really good love story. But as much as I think Twilight is okay, I really laughed at your last sentence -- that Myers is a terrible author and the world would be better off without the Twilight Saga. You definately know how to add voice! Thanks for making me laugh(: