Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mockingjay ~ Suzanne Collins

Warning: Spoiler Alert
Everyone has at least heard of the Hunger Games. In this book, the story continues. Katniss's and Gale's families have escaped the bombing and chaos of their District - which has taken part in the uprising of Panem - and taken refuge in District 13 (which was supposed to be long gone). People have built almost an underground city, base, fortress, haven, whatever you want to call it. Everyone is planning on Katniss being their Mockingjay, joining the rebel forces, as well as killing President Snow. Meanwhile, Peeta is being tortured by the Capitol for warning District 13 about an attack the Capitol is arranging for them. When they finally get Peeta back, he tries to kill Katniss. He has been somewhat brainwashed to think that Katniss is the enemy. After Katniss recovers, a group of refugees, lead by her, sets out to go through with the plan to kill Snow. The end is interesting, like with Snow, and Prim dying. Oh yeah, and Katniss ends up with Peeta. So that should make you either happy or not, depending on which guy you liked. (I liked Gale better!) I think that Suzanne Collins picked a unique (and kind of depressing) ending. Then again, the books aren't exactly happy, with the whole plot being North America turned into a dictatorship, and kids having to kill other kids. I just think that Prim didn't have to die. I still don't fully understand why she had that happen. To be honest, I didn't love this book. I found it kinda boring. Nothing really happens. They just sit around District 13 forever, and when something exciting happened, it just turned boring 10 seconds later. You might've like it, but it seemed to me that the series went downhill from the second one. The first one was definitely the best, just in my opinion. I give this book a B.

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