Sunday, April 1, 2012


Fever is the sequel to the book I did my last review on, Wither. In this book the author continues the romance and adventure from the first book. At the end of Wither the main character Rhine and the attendant Gabriel were escaping the mansion and trying to get back to Rhine's brother Rowan. In this book they are continuing to run away and trying to get back to Manhattan where Rowan lives. Outside of the mansion they find an even harder world to survive in then the one they left. The journey to Manhattan is long and full of many risks and delays, but they finally get there. When they go to Rhine's
home, they find that it's destroyed and Rowan is nowhere to be found. They stay
at an orphanage in Manhattan and continue to look for Rowan. But while they are
staying at the orphanage, Rhine gets sick. She sleeps all day, and is too weak to walk. She can barely function and comes to the conclusion that she is dying.
Then, one morning she wakes up before everyone else and goes out on the porch and a limo pulls up. A man gets out and Rhine knows who it is: it's her devious father-in-law. She wants to run, go back inside but she can't. To make a long
story short, she is captured and taken back to the mansion. And, well, I'll let
you read and find out the rest yourself. This book leaves you waiting to see what is going to happen, and makes you want to read the next book. I would recommend this book to anyone who liked the first one, because this book is so exciting and makes you want to know what's going
to happen next, it's a fast read. Like the first book, Fever is still a little creepy, and the world it creates continues to be a little immoral because
it is still the same story line that takes place in the same world. If you are
afraid to read it because of inappropriate scenes I would take the risk to read it. There are a few kissing scenes but it's worth reading. And, of course you can put the book down at any time you want to. I was happy to see that in this book, there are only a few parts where foul language is used unlike the first book where there are several parts where it is used. This book shows some of the more negative parts of the  real world, unlike most books where it is all happy and Disneyland-ish. This book is very well written and I definitely recommend it.
Here is a link to a video from the author.!


Diet Coke said...

I've heard really good things about this series! I really need to read it! (;

meeko said...

I liked this book but i felt like some parts were so slow that its hard to get into it

PurpleNinjaLA said...

It was a little slow at some parts, but it didn't bother me too much.