Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Alchemyst by Michael Scott

     The Alchemyst by Michael Scott is an amazing story about two twins who are magicians and they do not know it yet. (Yes, just like Harry Potter.) These two twins, Sophie and Josh, are just two normal teenagers who have jobs at a coffee shop and a book store. Then, some weird, gray, dudes come into the book store (where Josh works) and is looking for Nicholas Flamel. ("Wait a minute, is he the immortal mention by Albus Dumbledore in the first Harry Potter book?" you may ask. Why, yes he is!) So, Nicholas Flamel comes about and starts to get terrorized by these big gray dudes. We later learn that they are Golems, not Gollum, and they are created by a evil Necromancer. (Person who can bring back the dead.) His name is Dr. John Dee. This specific individual sets off a huge turn of events that occur to Sophie and Josh that will not be mentioned in this review.
     For those who have read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, we may recall the Sorcerers Stone to be keeping Nicholas Flamel alive along with his wife Perenell Flamel. But in this book, it is referred to as the Philosophers Potion. (Get it, from the British copy?)
     I somewhat enjoyed this book because everything was really obvious to what will happen next. If you happen to be a big Rick Riordan fan, then this book for you. I suggest that you dip into a little bit of Greek and Egyptian Mythology before reading this. At some parts, the book can be quite lame due to poor choice of words. I would recommend reading this book to anyone who can't pick out the obvious.


ChunkyMonkey33 said...

Before the Percy Jackson Series this had to be my favorite book of all time. Great book reveiw by the way.

Unknown said...

I've never been a big fan of fantasy but this looks interesting!

Mrs. Jensen said...

@ German Farley: you don't really like fantasy, and yet you've just spent months reading one of the best known fantasies of all time, The LoTR series?