Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Micheal Vey: Rise of the Elgen

Micheal Vey 
 Rise of the Elgen
Book by: Richard Paul Evans
Book Review by: Brendan Larsen
         Micheal Vey seems normal, but he has Tourettes syndrome, and he is basically a human tazer. In the first book his mom got taken by the Elgen (who are the bad guys), and  Micheal found out that there are more like him. They are called the Electric Children, or Glows. Some are bad, and work for Dr. Hatch, and some are much more humane, and joined the ElectroClan (Micheal's friends, which all aren't Glows). The Elgen want to create a world in which the Electric Children rule, and everyone is electric, but that means killing a lot of people in the process. Now, the ElectroClan has to break into the most heavily guarded Elgen compuond in the world. And the rats you see on the cover are electrified rats that generate electricity, and are also very deadly. So, basically, there is going to be a ton of challenges.

         I loved the book in every aspect, and almost couldn't put it down. The only reason why I did ever put it down is because the teachers were yelling at me to pay attention. I would suggest it to anyone that likes sci-fi or action books. I got hooked on the first page of the first book (which was originally supposed to be the book for my book reveiw this month) and just couldn't stop reading it. I am really excited for the third book to come out to local libraries. So, just give this book a chance, and you will find that you won't regret it. Ever.

1 comment:

ChunkyMonkey33 said...

Ever since that assembly with that guy trying to sell us this book I've wanted to read it but haven't got to it. Your book reveiw makes me want to read it even more.