Sunday, May 19, 2013

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

(SPOILERS)I read this book and finished it about 5 minutes ago, and I have to say, I'm a little bit unimpressed. Though there still was a pretty cool arena fighting thing going on through the middle of the book, the fact that the whole book was based on the beginning of a revolution of Panem, it gave me the feeling of anxiousness, which made it pretty hard to focus on what was actually going on in the book, because I sort of figured that something really exciting was going to happen (like when Katniss exploded the force field) a lot sooner than it did. By the end of the book, the revolution was really only starting to happen, which bummed me out a little bit. I would give this book maybe a 6/10 or so, but the reason that I didn't enjoy it very much was, like I said, because I was having a hard time concentrating on what was actually going on. Obviously, don't let me and my negative book reviews stop you from reading it, because it was actually pretty good, and there is the third one which I am assuming is going to be a pretty good book. I'm actually kind of freaking out right now, because I was checking out some of the other book reviews, and they wrote a lot more than I have, but I guess that's because they gave summary's, which I don't feel is the purpose of a book review. Anyways, I suppose that I would recommend this book to anyone who read the first book, because, I mean, it's popular and is supposed to be a must-read.


A Nashty Durantula 11 said...

I agree I was very anxious about the whole Revolution thing happening. And it did take quite a while for the action to start picking up.

QbaccaJo said...

I agree, but because I knew it would involve alot of waiting going into the book, I was able to really focus on the details and ejnoy it more. It wasn't the best book I've read but I think its alot more enjoyable if you read it for the journey and not the destination.

Anonymous said...

Now this is my kind of book reviw. Short and to the Point. Although I don't agree that the book was boring. I think everyone can agree that this review was not boring.