Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver (SPOILERS!) 

Liesl and Po Pandemonium is the second of three books in the Delirium trilogy. It's begins somewhat close to the end of  Delirium. Alex has died, and Lena is now on her own. The book switches off from Lena in the Wilds to Lena while she is living with a fake identity in the city. In the wilds chapters, Lena is extremely unsure at the beginning of everything. She cries and thinks about Alex constantly, and she is extremely weak. Later, she becomes stronger, beginning to show a new Lena. In the city chapters, Lena is living with the name of Lena Morgan Jones, along with her friends Raven and Tack. Lena is now shown as rock a hard, not at all the person the previous book has shown us. She pretends she is cured, and goes to an all girls school, and attending a group for early cures. One day, Lena is kidnapped along with a boy named Julian Fineman. Throughout the book and escaping from being held captive, Julian becomes Lena's second love interest since Alex. In the end, Lena does something pretty risky to help him and an extremely surprising ending.
    I'm going to be straight to the point. I loved an hated this book. I loved it, mainly because it was part of Delirium, but also because it shows Lena building up herself. I hated it for more reasons than loved. Again, the swearing ALL OVER THE BOOK. Second, the way Oliver set up the chapters. Yes, it is two stories. Yes, the both have good parts. But, I felt like it was all over the place and I had no idea what was going on. Not to mention the fact that I felt like not one of the characters is as fun and Hana and Alex were. Overall, it was a good book, but it didn't live up to what I expected. I mean, it was probably because Delirium was so amazing, but I felt like it just wasn't that good. B-. 

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