Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Break With Charity

     History is one of my favorite subjects. If you are anything like me, then this book is something that you should definitely try out. A Break With Charity is a story about the Salem witch trials back in the 1700's, written by Ann Rinaldi. You follow a girl by the name of Susanna English whose dream has always been to join the circle of girls that meet every week at the personage. That dream quickly ends when Susanna discovers that the leader of the group, Ann Putnam, is about to start a trail of lies that will eventually lead to many deaths and torments to innocent people in Salem by accusing them of witchcraft. Susanna quickly puts the pieces together, and gets Ann to admit it to her. Although after, she has to decide weather to keep quiet and let this crazy panic go on, or "break charity" and put her family at risk of being named as witches. Susanna keeps quite for a long time. But will she continue to let this go on? What will the girls do to Salem, her, and her family? Susanna has to stay faithful to her family, and do what’s best for them, her, and her town.
     Although it may seem weird, and hard to believe, this did happen. In real life! In real circumstances. In the long run, we have discovered that witchcraft is not a real thing. Nevertheless, it was once supposedly believed to be on this Earth. The book focuses a lot on the relationships of the girls, drama, witchcraft, family, and faith. You can easily relate to the book and some of its main topics.
      This book was honestly so good! I was constantly in shock at things that happened. You would never believe some of the people that these girls call out as witches, or when, and how they do it! These girls are crazy but it just keeps you wondering what those lunatics are going to do next! On the other hand, it brings you to reality a little bit. On decisions you re making and how to handle them. Or even drama with teenage girls. I would definitely recommend this book to people that like suspense, history, and drama. Even a little mystery. Definite A+.

1 comment:

Allyson Crandall said...

I really liked your book report. You gave great detail. This sounds like a great book . It sounds like it would give you a new perspective of the witch trials. Especially for me because I know little of the witch trials right now.