Friday, April 29, 2011

The Maze Runnner

Thomas Edison was a brilliant man for his time, and even to date, he has 1, 093 patents in the United States alone. From 1877 and on he was able to invent things that we use to this day, like the video camera, long lasting light bulbs, and things that have contributed to communication.

But, he was also stuck.

The Maze Runner. by James Dashner, show Thomas as he tries to crack the unsolvable code of the Maze. Every month, a boy rises from a shaft elevator, nicknamed "The Box". The boys in the box wake up traveling in this elevator, with their memories completely wiped out. They reach the top, and join a community of Gladers, who have been trying to solve the eve-changing maze for over two years. As another boys emerges from The Box, it should be another ordinary day. But it's not... instead as soon as Thomas appears, people are concerned. People who have been through "The Changing" are concerned.

The Changing is a process that you go through after you get stung by a Griever. The medication gives you your memories, a painful process for all to go through. Those who have been through it know that Thomas had been up to no good in his before life. The strange thing is that Thomas doesn't even remember this, so it throws him off and people start getting suspicious that he's trying to hide even more.

Suspicions get to a dangerous high when the next day arrives and The Box emerges once again to reveal a break in all patterns. Another Glader with only a day separating her and Thomas, and to make matters worse- it's a girl. She screams the message-"Everything will change," and she falls into a deep coma.

As his first days grind by, he discovers that learning there is by experience, which really drives him crazy, but it also drives him to glimpse at the maze mystery. He observes the Runners, and strives to become one of them. Runners are the people who search the maze everyday and look and map out any changes or patterns. Thomas has an automatic goal to become one of them.

The opportunity appears when two of the communities big leaders go missing after going to check out a dead Griever. The walls go to close like any other night, and Thomas notices that Minho is having to carry passed out Alby, and that they won't make it. So, he gets this sporadic idea to sprint in there with them. The Grievers come out to attack and Thomas is left to defend himself and Alby, as Minho sprints away. He climbs the ivy on the walls, and hoists Alby alongside himself. Soon the inevitable happens and the Grievers come to attack. But by the end of the night they've saved themselves, and Alby and make it out alive.

Once again suspicions raise. But they are able to put that aside as Alby goes through the changing. It's painful for all of the Gladers. When Alby awakens he calls for only Thomas. This offends his friends, but he insists on only Thomas. He tells Thomas about what he had seen, which was odd because those who went through The Changing are usually very secretive. After the information is told, Thomas is determined to find a way out, to not only save himself, but all the Gladers.

Thomas defied all odds and I think that's why it's such a big theme in the book. Even in the end the whole reason why they were all there was something similar to "survival of the fittest". He was amazingly quick-witted and willing to do anythings, even though he'd barely know anything about the community. He helped so many people throughout the book, and it's very interesting to know that he and other char actors are well known people.

This book was amazing. It was a surprise as I got into the book, how much of a mystery it was! I was expecting a more adventurous, creepy rendition, but I liked the unexpected way of the story. The only thing that was a little frustrating was that it was hard to really imagine things, despite the precise detailing. I might read it parts of it again to actually understand some things. But, other than that I thought The Maze Runner was absolutely fabulous! I can't wait for the second book. A-


Abby Marchant said...

I've heard a lot of great reviews on this book and now I'm definitely going to read it!

Keauna Bain said...

This. Is. My. Favortie. Book. Ever. OH MY GOODNESS! It's so good! aaaaaaahhhhhhh! I can't even get over it! (:

Soap! said...

I really liked this book. Especially how it was such a mystery. The last one needs to come out already.

live2run said...

i must confess. i judged this book by its cover. but i must have been right about it cause IT SOUNDS AMAZING!