Sunday, February 3, 2013

     The world is coming to an end. Just another average day for Maximum Ride. In the final Maximum Ride book Nevermore by James Patterson; Max is faced, yet again, with the impending end of the world. Max and the rest of her flock of enhanced avian-humans must find and destroy the Doomsday group before it's to late. In a race against time Max encounters many obstacles in which she can either face head on or turn and run. You'd think that having the responsibility of saving the world was enough; Max is also stuck in the middle of a love triangle with two gorgeous teenage boys who will stop at nothing to win her over, even if it means killing each other. In the end, Max must choose between the drop-dead good looking Dylan who was made to be her perfect match or Fang who has been her best friend and go-to guy since the beggining of her very existance. With the end so close, Max must make a final stand with her flock at her side and either save the human race or begin a new generation of advanced humans.
     This book is thrilling, romantic, and, of course, sarcastic. It was definitely interesting, I especially loved the way James Patterson handled the pre-apocalypse and teenage romance. How can you not love a romantic dinner in a flaming treehouse? Patterson gives Max a choice to destroy the humans or save them. I won't spoil it for you, but I will say that he handled it well and with great descretion. The main point of the book is that everything comes to an end eventually and whether you choose to accept it or change it is a choice that you must make alone.
     All in all, Nevermore was one of my all time favourite books and I definently recommend it to anyone but, I do caution you that it has mild profanity and some violence. Even though, I still loved it and it was an amazing book.


Princess Emmalee said...

I really didn't like this book as much as the others. I felt like the series had been dragged on for too long and should have ended sooner. I didn't like the ending too much either. I wish James Patterson had done a bit better.

KyTuck said...

I've just started this series and wasn't really into it before, but with this review I think I might try to get into it more. Great job!!!

Gabrielle Frailey said...

@Princess Emmalee If the human race had kept developing the way they were the entire world would have died. Isn't it better to have the ending it did then to have lost everything. Although, I do have to agree with you that is was dragged on a bit long and some books were completely unessesary. For example, Schools out was completely about Max and the gang going to school. That was horrific.Honestly, this book wasn't my favourite either, I really liked saving the world and other extreme sports. That was an awesome book.