Monday, February 4, 2013

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

    The world as we know it is gone.  In the Host by Stephenie Meyer Aliens have now taken over.  The invasion is over and all the humans have been replaced by these centipede type aliens.  They are inserted in to your body and take over everything and just push you out.  The only identification that these "people" are not human is a thin line of silver around the pupil.  But not everyone is that easy to take over. Wanderer, one of the aliens, is put into the body of Melanie Stryder who has been fighting to stay alive for as long as the invaders have been there and insist to stay alive no matter what.  Melanie starts feeding Wanderer memories from her past life and Wanderer begins to search for that life Melanie had.  Wanderer eventually finds a group of humans in hiding and begins to fall in love with two amazing guys.  While Wanderer leans one way Melanie leans the other and it turns into an internal war.  While the real humans have a war against the aliens in the real world.

    It really puts a perspective on how quickly people are to judge but who they really are inside.  It was really entertaining to read because it had romance with just enough action to keep you interested.  I think this book is a lot better than Stephenie's previous series Twilight.  It is not completely about the love triangle though it is a major part of the book.  The antagonists are also a lot better developed and a bigger part in the book.
   This book brings up a really big topic that is in today's world, aliens.  You realize how big the universe really is and how much it really means to be human while reading it .  The aliens are constantly saying how unique we are from the other worlds they have taken over.  The senses we have are really remarkable and the emotions we feel throughout our lives are brilliant even though we consider them part of our daily lives.  Although it also brings up the issues humanity does have such as the violence that we consider part of our lives.

   This book could have been a lot better but it was still pretty good. It is quite slow at the beginning but picks up by the end.  The book does have violence and some heated kissing scenes.  I would recommend it to friends but it is not my favorite book ever.  Over all I would give it a B+.


Gabrielle Frailey said...

Does this book take place in the present or the future? What was the aliens motive for coming to Earth? Is there a possibility that your humanity could be saved after the alien has invaded?

KyTuck said...

It takes place in the near future. It really never says why the aliens came to Earth I assume they just wanted another place to live. And that last question you will have to read the book to find out.

may said...

Hmm. I read this book about a month ago and I loved it. Maybe it was because I had already read the whole Twilight series and so I had a really low expectation for this book because it was by Stephanie Meyer. But amen! It was so much better! So maybe that was why I liked it so much. And yes, it did have some Very heated kissing scenes. But I would've probably given it an A(: