Monday, February 4, 2013

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." Bilbo starts out at his little house when Gandalf the wizard shows up and asks him to go on an adventure. Of course Bilbo refuses, because he's a hobbit! They like they're comfortable homes. The next day 13 dwarfs and the wizard show up, and Bilbo decides to go with them. The quest is to take help Thorin (the dwarf king) take back his home and his treasure in the Lonely Mountain which is guarded by a dragon named Smaug. 

On the way they run in to loads of obstacles. First, three trolls that want to eat them. Then they stop for advice from Elrond, an elf,  and after leaving, they are caught in a snow storm. The company seek shelter in a cave, but goblins live there! They get captured and Gandalf leads them all out... Except for Bilbo. He is in a dark cavern where he  stumbles across a ring and puts it in his pocket. However, the ring belongs to a hideous creature named Gollum. When the hobbit slips the ring on it turns him invisible and he escapes from the wrath of the creature. Gandalf then must leave the comrades to attend to some business. 

With his new ring, Bilbo helps the dwarfs escape giant spiders and elves that have captured them. Finally they make it to Lake Town, a human settlement below the lonely mountain that holds Thorin's treasure. Bilbo sneaks in and steals a golden cup from Smaug. The dragon burns Lake Town to the ground, but he is killed by an archer named Bard. Everyone heads to the mountain for treasure, which makes Thorin angry. Bilbo seeks to make peace with the humans and Thorin is even more furious. Gandalf appears and saves him from the king. Suddenly goblins and wargs come to the mountain, and the humans, wood elves, and dwarfs join to defeat the army. Bilbo returns to Hobbiton to be rejected by the home-loving hobbits, but has made great friends with dwarfs and The wizard on his journey.

I've never read any other book by Tolkien, but I am a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit movies. So I decided to read the Hobbit because, well the movie was amazing.

Now, I think Tolkein is a genius! His ability to create these vivid characters and worlds is just amazing. I felt connected to Bilbo, Gandalf, and even the 13 dwarfs. He described them so well, just in their actions, that I feel like I know them. I'm ready to move in to a hobbit hole because he describes middle earth as such a cool place!

I don't exactly know why the plot bored me, but it did. I was into it until about when Gandalf left and then it dragged on and on. I was slightly more interested when they got inside the mountain and Smaug was introduced, but that was a long time to be bored. Maybe it's because there are tons of fairy tales and other stories kind of like The Hobbit, and I've heard the old take-back-our-treasure type of thing, so when I got bored of this plot I read slowly and it made this 256 page book seem like it dragged on for-ev-er! Or it could just be that the language was hard to understand, seeing as The Hobbit has been around for 75 years.

So to sum up, The Hobbit has cool characters and takes place in a nice setting, but the plot is really long and boring for me. B


Mrs. Jensen said...

I get really nervous to agree with you because I think we might have a riot in our classroom if I do. It's a fun little story but so much of it felt overdone. And, I HATE the dwarves. What lazy little babies. All they ever do is complain about how Bilbo is a waste of space but in EVERY situation they wimp out and Bilbo is forced to take the lead. As Bilbo is the protagonist, I am sure this was necessary but it bothered me so much. Great review.

Unknown said...

this was one of my favorites. it was very interesting. although i must agree that there was a little bit where it dragged on.

Hedwig said...

Well good Mrs Jensen! I thought I was the only one who didn't like it!