Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

  You know that you've read a really good book when you can't stop thinking about it. This is what many authors are aiming for when writing a novel. Sometimes you might like to picture yourself as a character in that novel. Or, you might imagine what you would do if you were in the same situation as someone in your novel. Often times when I read, it's as if the novel itself comes to life. This is the most enjoyable thing about reading a good novel. The book Shiver, has many of these moments when reading it. However, not only does the book do this. It also grabs the reader and tosses it right into the middle of the story.
  Shiver is about a girl named Grace. Grace's small town is suddenly rocked with the terrifying news of Jack Culpeper's tragic and sudden death. It's all anyone can talk about, it was the wolfs behind Grace's house who killed him. However, Grace is no stranger to wolf attacks. When she was young, Grace had been ripped off of her tire swing by a group of vicious wolfs. When she was about to die, a wolf with mesmerizing yellow eyes stopped the other wolfs from killing her. Now here she is in high school. And her wolf often stares at her from behind the trees. She has a odd love for this wolf. Not only because he saved her, but because there was something about him. Something almost human like.
  After Jack Culpepers death, everyone in town is deathly afraid of the wolfs. Grace wasn't too worried about it until Jack's sister tells her that hunters are planning on killing the wolfs. She couldn't handle the thought of her wolf dying, so she runs into the woods and stops the shooting. After canceling the entire hunting process, she finds a boy on her deck with a shot in his neck. When she gets closer to the boy she realizes that the boy is her wolf. And that she was never going to let him change into a wolf again.
  The wolf's name is Sam. And he explains to Grace everything she needs to know. Including that Jack Culpeper was actually bitten by a wolf and is now a werewolf. The only issue with that is, Jack wants to be human again. And threatens exposing Sam's entire race. However, that's not the only issue. Whenever it gets cold, Sam must change into a wolf again. And the next time he changes, he might not ever change back. And neither of them can face the fact that they might not be able to be together forever.
  This book is amazing. Anyone should read it. Like I said before, this book keeps you on your toes. There is some bad language. But, I don't think that there is anything that anyone should worry about. Other than that, it's awesome. There are some chapters that can get pretty boring. But you need to read on or you will regret it. If you hate the Twilight series, don't worry because this isn't like the wolfs in Twilight. I really think that everyone should give this book a shot. You don't know what you're missing!


meeko said...

i really, really, really like this book:)

Flippin Dolphins said...

WOW!!! This book seems pretty complicated. But, thanks for summarizing it. This book sounds like a good one. I'll give it a shot.