Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fly Trap

     Mosca Mye's adventures are full of twists and turns, battles and diplomatic fights. Action and adventure, mystery and suspense fill every nook and cranny. Truly a spectacular story, one of my favorite books by far. Seriously, it seems that you come to the end of the book, just to find that there's more to be had.
     Mosca was born with something that no one achieved easily; the ability to read. She was a quiet girl, who like to hid and listen in on people with her guardian goose Saracen. After she found and followed the sometimes-loyal companion Eponymous Clent, and burned down her uncle's mill, her life spiraled into a life of running, hiding, and the occasional rescuing of cities and people.
     This is the second book of the series, and the reason that I'm writing a review is because I read the first book so many times. The second book was released not a long time ago, but the first book was out a long time ago. Hardinge is a wonderful author, and... I just noticed that I say that lot of authors are amazing or wonderful. Well, it just so happens that they are! I'd always give this book, and the first book an A+!


chocolatetot said...

sounds like a good book! i might try it out!

Abbey Road said...

Are there more books in this series or just the two?