Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Arthur Dent once woke up to find his house ready to be demolished so a bypass can be placed through his property. As he is protesting his good friend Ford Prefect pops out of nowhere and wants him to go get drinks at a bar and claims that the world is about to end. Arthur, of course, didn't want to go because his house was going to be demolished but somehow got convinced to come. Suddenly, huge yellow blocks appear out of the sky and aliens say the world is going to be demolished for a spacial bypass. Out of nowhere, Arthur finds himself on the yellow, alien ship with aliens reading horrible poetry. They then get thrown into space, find a planet making planet, almost discover the meaning of live, the universe, and everything, and find out that Earth was created to find the answer. Mice, in fact, were the key to finding the answer and the world was destroyed five minutes before the answer was discovered.
This wild fiction book by Douglas Adams, had ideas that came out of nowhere but it is probably one of the funniest books I have ever read. It left me crying because I was laughing so hard. The inserts from the electronic book (in the book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy are hilarious. It states, for example, why a towel is the most important thing to have with you, or what space really is... big.

Overall, this book was great. Although it had ideas flying into the pages without warning, (a missile turning into a sperm whale) it had clever ways to get the story where it was going. The jokes were clever, and the characters were likable. The book had only a few characters that needed to be remembered, so it wasn't hard to follow along. The characters also had some interesting names, like Slartibartfast.


The Longshot said...

Hey so you didn't find out the meaning of life? Really? Grr... I was just about to ask you haha. Anyway sounds like a weird book.

sunny D said...

sounds like my kind of book... haha :)

Tree Tree Tree Bush/ Ellipses Master said...

I really want to read this book. It sounds like my humor, but it is not in the library. :-(

Praying4NoWar said...

There's a movie about this book, I like it, but I've never read the book. So I can't compare it, but I will read it.

Jess! said...

I've also only seen the movie, but I really enjoyed it! Maybe I'll read the book this time around.

Castiel'sGirl said...

I'm thinkin' this sounds like a great book. I've heard it's way funny. I am going to have to try it out.