Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Catching Fire

One of my favorite authors, Suzanne Collins wrote the most amazing book entitled Catching Fire. From front to back, this book is action and adventure. This book is all about romance, family, who your true friends are and how you have to be careful about what you say to the government that pretty much own you. This is the amazing sequel to The Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen's life adventure is far from ending.

As the main character, Katniss Everdeen, is trying to keep up with her so called "romance" with Peeta Mellark, she is also trying to stop the uprising that she accidentally created after her adventurous battle to stay alive while fighting in the annual Hunger Games. This story takes place in the nation of Panem. The brutal remains of North America. Katniss and what's left of her family, are now living the best life they could have ever dreamed of. However, being rich and famous is not all.

She also runs into a lot of trouble. When Katniss and Peeta are told that they are going to be returning into their once prison (the arena) they go into panic mode. They're in the middle of planning their "wedding" and also "expecting their first child". While our hero Katniss is trying to deal with her complicated life, the Capital is trying to find thousands of different solutions to get rid of her. It's not going to be easy.

This book is defiantly one of my favorites. It's full of suspense and action. Catching Fire is also full of violence. There is no bad language and it's pretty clean. I really enjoyed reading this book and it's one to remember. Suzanne Collins described how the government in Panem has way too much power. They control everything and what everyone is and isn't allowed to do.

Once you start reading it, you're not going to want to stop. There were some parts in the book that made me want to scream because the characters were so stupid. However, I guess you learn to find out that what some of them did was for the better.

Grade: A-


LMW said...

I read that book and liked it, but I liked the first book better.

Keauna Bain said...

I agree. The 1st book was super good! The first book was amazing the second was alright and the was just a tree killer.......

LacyRumor said...

Agreed. This book could get kinda slow at some parts and I just couldn't believe some of the crap that Katniss went along with. But it was still one of my absolute favorite books.

Mrs. Jensen said...

See, I liked the second one the best. And I totally disagree that the third was a "tree killer". I didn't like how the series ended, but I understand why Collins did it. If she is really trying to show how an over-powerful government can be evil, well then, she did it with the third book. Furthermore, I think we all wanted Katniss to be this impenetrable character who just kept surviving everything they threw at her. She's not. That is why I love her so much. She is flawed in VERY realistic ways. Consider what she went through in the first two books and then the final stages in the final book...are you really that surprised it had to end like it did?