Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The book Matched, written by Ally Condie is a very well written book. The post-apocalyptic world that was created because of a disaster that hit and nobody knew what to do is the main setting of Matched. As a result to carelessness, a new society was created. In the society that the main character, Cassia Reyes, was brought up in everything is controlled. When I say everything I mean everything! That includes who you marry, where you work, what songs, music, movies, and even poetry you have access to. It even gets down to where you are permitted to go for your leisure hours (which is also controlled by the Society.) For Cassia Reyes that was fine until one particular evening. It was the moment that she had waited all of her life to live. It was time for her to have her own Match Banquet. It ended up that she was matched with her life long best friend, Xander Carrow. That was a dream come true and she was thrilled. After she had gotten home from her Match Banquet she went to look at the microchip that was provided for her and her match. It contained a picture of Xander and extra information about him. Little did she know that the face of another boy would appear to her on the screen. It happened to be the face of Ky Markham, another young man that she knew well. She was troubled by the sight of his face on her screen. She knew that this was a problem, the Society never makes mistakes, especially that big. Later at one of her leisure activities an official came by to confirm to her that it was a mistake and whoever was responsible would be taken care of. Cassia was overjoyed by the marvellous news, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get the picture out of her mind. She knows that it was a mistake and that Ky is unavailable, but that doesn't stop her. Although the main idea of this book was very intriguing I felt like it was slow. There were parts of the book that were dull and not going anywhere but the main idea was brilliant. A dystopia that seems like a wonderful place to live, but under the surface there are problems that only small amounst of people notice. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend it to anybody. In this kind of society there is not any sadness so there isn't any true joy. Would it be worth it to you?A-

1 comment:

Allison Stepan said...

I read this book a while ago and I got really confused so I reread it and it turned out to be amazing!