Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Secret Language Of Girls

The Secret Language of Girls by Frances O'Roark Dowell was not my favorite book, at all. I did not like this book and I will tell you why in just a minute.
But first... let me give you a summary. It's about two friends Marylin, and Kate who are BFF's... or so they thought. They go through their rough patches and stuff like that, yadda... yadda... yadda. That's basically all it is.
So... you know how when you write in your journal and there is that month when you just write... nothin' important or anything like that. I mean, there might be some good parts... just there's nothing really that good to tell about. Well... that's how this was. It just wasn't anything exciting. it's just normal everyday life. But I guess that this wasn't normal, it was way to... what's the word? Different? for 11 year olds life. I mean, "normal life" was like being in 4th grade all over again. And then some parts, you'd think that they were immature 17 year olds. There is gossip about relationships, (4th grade), silly little relationships (4th grade), and spin the bottle at a party. (immature 17 year olds, although I guess it could still be classified under 4th grade.) I mean, nothing is really age appropriate in this book. It's stupid. And there are stupid little fights like in fourth grade. Really guys??? Really??? There are a lot of parts that people can relate to, but overall, I just didn't like this book. I thought it was pretty stupid the whole time I was reading it, and to be honest with you there was probably only one part I liked. That was it. So if your at the library, DO NOT PICK THIS BOOK UP!!! Go pick up something a lot better, such as Harry Potter. Grade: D-.


Anonymous said...

Hey... Mrs. Jensen... you should post something again. This is after all, your blog! haha.

bstu34 said...

Why did you keep reading it if it was so bad?

Anonymous said...

I wanted to see if it got better.

Anonymous said...


fluteninja503 said...

So it stank? Okay... I will add it to the list of books I vow never to read. And it didn't get any better.. well that is a bummer.

Diet Coke said...

Really, fourth grade relationships? That's very stupid!