This book... I love this book! I swear it was like a freaking drug to me. I love it!!! One of the reasons may be that it is based off of my absolute favorite TV show ever, Supernatural!!! It is violent, action packed, and a horror story and does the series justice.
Alright down to business. You need some background info! This book takes place amidst the chaos of season 6 right in between the episodes "Frontierland" and "Mommy Dearest." Sam and Dean Winchester are hunters, but not the kind of hunters you're thinking of. The hunt things we only dream about in our worst nightmares. They lost their mother to a demon when they were young and their father had them on the road ever since, training them to fight the evil supernatural beings in the world. With the help of dear friend Bobby Singer they have taken down hundreds of monsters.
Considering this is supposed to follow the plot of season 6 the author often makes references to previous happenings early in the season. Season 6: Sam went to Hell and came back, but he returned without a soul. So with the help of their friend and angel Castiel they got Death to return it to him. Sam's soul was tortured by Lucifer while it was in the pit. Death put a wall up in Sam's head so he wouldn't remember Hell. Now that Sam is back in more or less one piece they are hunting the Mother of All. She's a freaky monster that can create more freaky monsters. Bobby learned that ash from a pheonix can harm her and that's what they got in the episode "Frontierland." So that's season 6 in a nut shell but I do encourage you to watch it. That aside let's get to book.
We jump in with Sam and Dean on their way to Clayton Falls, Colorado. Bobby sent them there because of strange reports of giant Gila and a headless horseman being seen. Posing as FBI agents Sam and Dean dive into the mystery unfolding before them. The more they look into the situation the less sense it seems to make. Whatever the creature is it gains power and starts dropping bodies.
This book will have you on the edge of your seat dying to know what lie beyond the next page but too afraid to turn it. As I mentioned before it's... Well it's a little violent. Yeah, okay who am I kidding? It is mega violent and graphic not only with blood but with the language the Winchesters use. So you have been warned.
It portrays the TV series quite well and John Passarella has a gift with words. If you have seen any part of show you know what witty humor to expect from the duo that are the Winchesters. It's so much more than amazing, it's spectaculacular! (That's for my die hard Supernatural fans.) I rate this book A+! So what on earth are you waiting for pick it up and read it!!!
Oh my gosh! I love this TV series. Are the books just as good? (:
The book was absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I could not put it down! I loved it and the author did such a good job with portraying Sam and Dean as book characters. It's fantastic!
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