This is a wonderful book that I could not put down. This book just sucked me in. Divergent is a book that really anyone would enjoy, so that being said, I recommend this book to anyone. This book really made me think about the world that we live in, and also I kept comparing the characters to real people in my life.
Divergent is similar to the Hunger Games in the way that it takes place in a dystopian world that used to be in the United States. This book actually takes place in current Chicago. Anyways, the way their world works is that it is divided into Factions. The factions are : dauntless, amity, candor, abnegation, and erudite. In this world when you are little you are raised in what ever faction your parents come from, but when you are sixteen you take a test that tells you which faction you should go to. The thing is though that if you go to a different faction then your parents is a sign of betrayal.
In this book you follow Beatrice, who was raised in the faction of abnegation which is made to be selfless. When Beatrice takes the test to decide her faction her test is inconclusive. In stead of her test giving her one direct answer as to what faction she should go to, it gave her three. Having more than one choice makes her be divergent. Being divergent is very dangerous, and the faction leaders will kill you if they find out, what you are. She can choose between the dauntless, which protect the city from danger, the abnegation, which as I already said act selfless, and the erudite, which are incredibly smart.
I don't want to give to much to away. But, in the faction that she does choose she meets real friends that she has never had, also some much needed romance comes into play, and she faces danger of trying to hide her divergence. But, I just can't get over how much I enjoyed this book. The book Divergent really just interested me.
This book keeps playing over and over in my mind. I actually find myself kind of missing the characters.( I know I am a HUGE dork) All in all,, this book is really good and has definitely hit my top 5 for favorite books.
everyone says this is a way good book! i need to read it!
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