The Party is the political power of Oceania. Oceania is one of the worlds three super powers. 1984 is based upon what could have happened if Russia had taken over most of the world. So Oceania is is basically communist Russia.
In Oceania people are kept brainwashed to not oppose the Party. You can be arrested and killed because a child told someone that you were guilty of thought crimes. Thought crimes are talking about the Party in a bad way. Also in Oceania there are public executions. Parents are begged by their children to go watch them.
1984 was a good book for those who enjoy history and enjoy plausibility. It's not a happy book by any means. In fact it's pretty depressing. George Orwell was an amazing writer who made amazing social commentary. In conclusion, 1984 is a great book, a sad book, and a scary book. Not in writing but the premise.
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