Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work for Britain's top secret intelligence agency, MI6. Don't you think that it would just be cool? Well, this is not what 14 year old Alex Rider thought as he was being offered to work with MI6.
It all started when the police knocked on the door in the middle of the night. While lying in bed, Alex overheard the cops speaking to his housekeeper. The cops said in funeral voices that his uncle, Ian Rider, was killed in an automobile accident because he was not wearing a seat belt. Ian Rider was what was left of Alex's family. Ian Rider was a bank manager that traveled a lot. Hmm...that's weird.?!
Well, after Alex finished his ride on the emotional roller coaster, He came to think more about the details of his uncle's death. Then, Alex realized that Ian Rider always made him wear his seat belt and that he wouldn't even turn down the street if Alex wasn't wearing it. After much thought, Alex decided to take a look at Ian Rider's car. After much digging, Alex found his uncle's car. Ian Rider's car did not look like it went through an automobile accident that killed someone; the car had a spray of bullets, similar to the ones of a machine gun's, caught straight on with the driver's side. After making this huge discovery, Alex came to wonder why someone would kill a bank manager. What was so important that was worth killing a bank manager for?
A little bit farther in the book, Alex Rider is sitting across from the MI6 head and is being asked whether or not Alex Rider would like to be a part of Britain's top secret intelligence agency. Well, more like forced to accept since his uncle was the person paying for his education, the person paying for the house and the housekeeper, and, most importantly, Alex's legal guardian. Or in other words, Alex will have nowhere to go. Without throwing a fit, Alex accepts the offer. Then, Alex discovers that his uncle was caring some vital intell. and that is why the enemy killed him before he could tell what he discovered. After that, Alex is put on the same case that his uncle was working on and has to retrace Ian Rider's footsteps to find out what was so important.
This book contained many of the author's opinions that I agree with. First of all, Alex Rider is 14. Can you believe that. A 14 year old working as a spy let alone Britain's top secret intelligence agency, MI6. This means that no matter what age you are, you can be anything ,not necessarily an MI6 operative, but maybe something similar. Another of Horowitz's opinions that I agree with are that you have to keep on walking forward. In the book Stormbreaker, Alex Rider all of the connections he has with his family and continues on working on with his life. I agree with this because though things might weigh you down, there is no time to sit and whine about the past. What is in the past is in the past, but whatever is in the future can be altered by how you recover.
After reading this rather epic book, my opinions about possibilities. I mean everyone has heard the saying," Anything is possible if you just believe." Well, I didn't really think that everything is possible. I mean, some things in life are challenging and seem rather impossible to think about. This book showed me that if you get up when life pushes you down, and you believe, then everything is possible if you just BELIEVE!!!
Here is one of my many favorite lines from this awesome book.
"He's[Alex Rider] is 14 years old! We can't do it. The boy's not ready yet. He'll make mistakes. It won't take them long to find out who he is. I don't think Alex has got much chance at all."
Said by Mrs. Jones. Page 72-73
Stormbreaker is an interesting, memorable, and a pretty fast paced book. Many things might not be important at the time you read it but, everything will soon come into play and will all make sense in the. Also, before you read this book, make sure that you have the time because you wouldn't be able to put it down until the last page of the book.
Great Job! I liked your ideas about this book. I, too, agree that this series is VERY hard to put down after picking it up!
so this is the book you have been bugging me to read, but after that review, how can I not. I mean who doesn't like books about spys. It was a great review by the way! Oh yeah by the way how long is the book?
I like your reveiw, and might i say that this book is one of the most amazing things ever?! Well, it is.
i love this book. im putting it on my blog to! bookworm55!
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