I read the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret By Brian Selznick. This book is a really good book if you like adventure and non-fiction types of books. I would consider the main idea of this book is that if you put your heart to something, that great things may occur.
This book takes place in the early to mid 1900's. Hugo is a 10-year old boy who's mom dies during child birth and his father dies in a fire. After his father dies, he has to go live with his uncle in a clock tower and has to help his uncle run the clocks and help him around at the station.
Hugo's uncle has to leave one day and said he would be back soon. But, the uncle ends up leaving Hugo all on his own to feed himself and take care of the clocks. When his father had died he left Hugo an auto human, which is a mechanical doll. Hugo had tried to fix it many times with the notebook that his father had left with it. One day he was trying to steal gears and toys from the toy store. When Papa Georges, the owner to the toy store, steals Hugo's notebook.
Through out the whole book he is trying to get his notebook back. On his adventure, he meets Papa Georges grand daughter, Isabelle. Isabelle helps him find his notebook and they become really good friends. They can not find the notebook anywhere. But they do find something that has been there all along. Isabelle's key. Her key is made to fit Hugo's auto human.
They get the auto human to work and they are both really surprised at what it draws. It draws one of the famous pictures drawn by Papa Georges, and it is signed by him to. They both wonder how that is possible. Hugo's dads auto human, but it draws something that Papa Georges drew. In the end they figure out what a great artist and magician Papa Georges was. He had just been hiding it for many, many years.
This book shows a lot of friendship and commitment. It shows that if you make a promise than you better stick to that promise and follow through with what you do. Many people break promises and don't do what they say they are going to do. As for, this book is a good way of showing a good example of friendship and commitment.
I really enjoyed reading this book and hope that you will read it too! It is a fun book and shows many interesting qualities. It is a really fun book and has really interesting parts that I didn't want to put the book down for! A-
Hugo movie Trailer:
I loved this book. This review is great, but needs some looking over.
I loved this book also! The movie was also amazing!
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