Friday, May 7, 2010


A suspense thriller. The perfect fantasy novel. Always keeping you on the edge of your seat.Is that what you want me to say. Well, quite frankly this book was not like. It was not the typical young adult book that you find today. But ya' know what, I loved it.
This is a story that is told from two different perspectives. One is relating the experience of an 8th grade girl with a huge crush on an 8th grade boy. And the other side is that of the 8th grade boy. The book switches between the two every chapter, and it can take a little while two get used to the different writing styles.(which is amazing by just one author) But you get used to it about four chapters in.
Secondly this is a story that doesn't always keep you guessing but more so keep you laughing. Also it is not suspense that is keeping you reading. But the relationships between the families of the two main characters and those two themselves. There were even some times that I found myself laughing out loud in my bed. This is accompanied with Office like awkward
moments that make you cringe.
I think it is clear that this book is definitely unique in it's plot and format. I would recommend it to anyone that is interested in a light hearted book that is full of laughs.(yeah i'm talkin to you Charles) I loved this book and you should give it a shot.


rlblovebooks3 said...

I've heard about this book before and I think it's cool how each chapter is flipped. I think I might really like it. Good review.

Erinberry :] said...

hahaha i like the little note about charles. :)
the writing style in this book sorta sounds like this book i read called shiver and the chapters switch between this girl and this werewolf dude back and forth. i like it because it lets you get deeper into the story than if it was from only one perspective. sounds like a good book.

Anonymous said...

I loved the different perspectives, and it made it sooooooooo funny!

Coral Reef Chels said...

My cousin is reading this right now and she loves it! I started reading a little bit of it and found it extremely funny because of the different perspectives. I was going to read it, but since I'm in the middle of a couple other books, I just read the ending and loved it! Such a cute story!

Anonymous said...

Did you guys know that they were making a movie??? I don't think it's coming to Utah though. Maybe we could get the DVD. So excited! :)

U. N. Owen said...

I love this book and the movie is just like it