Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Scorch Trials

Thomas and his Glader friends were convinced after “The Maze” that they could back to there old lives. Little did they know that was not how it was going to work out. In the second book of the series "The Scorch Trials ," Thomas and his friends have a whole new challenge ahead of them that no one saw coming. As "WICKED" puts these boys and one girl into an all new scenario, it's almost impossible to stop reading. This is an amazing fictional book that shows how cruel the world can really be.

When Thomas and his Glader friends were saved at the end of "The Maze Runner," they were told that they were going somewhere safe after Teresa triggered “the end” and they managed to escape the maze. Thomas and Teresa are best friends. They can speak telepathically to each other. Oh, they’re kind of in love.

The Gladers find themselves in a structure almost like a dormitory. There's no food, just water. Teresa has disappeared and they can no longer speak telepathically, but Thomas did find another boy in Teresa’s room who can speak telepathically with him. The strangest part of what the new boy explains is that he came from a group B, an all girls group going through the same struggles. A rat faced man, as Thomas describes him, comes to them from WICKED and tells them they have one more trial. Another bomb the rat faced man drops is that everyone has a fatal disease called the "flare" and at the end of the trial the reward is the cure.

This book entire series is based on flares that consumed the Earth, changing its environment and baking the world. The sun flares also unleashed a lethal disease that is nicknamed “the flare.” The government has disintegrated and brought all order down with it. With the world having a dangerous disease and only the richest people in the world being to get a medicine that slows the disease, the world is in chaos. More than most of the population are "Cranks," as they call themselves. Cranks have the flare disease, which drives them insane, and to death. Hunting for their next meal is what matters most, and they will even eat each other.

As the boys battle all new troubles this series gets more interesting. Meeting new friends and new enemies makes this book thrilling all the way to the end. At the end the book has a twist I sure didn't see coming. It's packed full of adventure, suspense, and it's full of creative chaos that still somehow makes perfect sense.

I really enjoyed reading this book it kept me on edge the entire time. This book has some pretty extreme violence that was kind of scary at times. I suggest you read this book though if you like suspense and adventure.

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